《错码》当世界上最一流的大脑遇到了最冷酷的逻辑,最终的选择会是什么?当一切都变得似乎唾手可得的时候,是选择轻而易举的拥有,还是理智思考后的退让?在黑暗中,发生的是最终极的拷问。三个暴躁不安的灵魂,两个命悬一线的无辜者。达摩克利斯之剑已经高悬穹顶,最终是放下,还是落下?你,又将何去何从。。。When the world's best brain encounters the coldest logic, what is the final choice?When everything seems to be at hand, is it easy to have, or is it rational to think back?In the dark, what happens is the ultimate torture.Three irascible souls, two innocents on the line.The sword of Damocles is overhung, is it put down, or does it fall?Where will you be in the end?